‘It’s Our Job To Change the Narrative’—Mom Calls for Parents to Step up After 12-Year-Old Dies by Suicide at the Hands of Bullies

“To know Drayke was to love him,” she continued. “He had a fire that lit for people, his witty personality and those baby blue eyes won over the world.”

She thanked the overwhelming amount of people following Drayke’s story for their messages and support. Samie closed her post by writing, “Teach kindness and #doitfordrayke.

A public viewing for Drayke is set to be held this Friday.

Parents Speak Up

As millions of people across the country learn more about the tragedy of Drayke’s story, moms everywhere are calling on parents to step up when it comes to ending bullying.

Amber Vaughan, a photographer and blogger out of Phoenix, Arizona, shared a powerful post, and it’s a must-read for all parents. The widow of suicide and survivor of domestic violence is calling on parents everywhere to change the narrative.

“Let me introduce you to Drayke Hardman.

He was 12 years old.

This week, he hung himself with his favorite hoodie from his bunk bed.

His bunk bed.

‘Children are resilient’


They are people.

They have huge feelings and minimal coping skills, because THEY ARE BABIES.

It’s our job to change the narrative.


It starts with us, as parents.

It stops with us, as parents.

His story is here.

Let it break your heart.

Let it change you.

Let it change all of us.

We have to do better.

Please, stop right now and talk to your kids.


Parents, let’s commit ourselves to teaching kindness. Drayke’s death was completely preventable. It starts in our homes. It starts with us.

Let’s teach kindness, and let’s BE kind.

I pray that you share Drayke’s story with your kids today. Use it as an opportunity to talk to your kids about suicide, bullying, and the need to treat others with kindness, always.

It could be what saves another child’s life.

Do it for Drayke.

Bri Lamm
Bri Lamm
Bri Lamm is the Editor of foreverymom.com. An outgoing introvert with a heart that beats for adventure, she lives to serve the Lord, experience the world, and eat macaroni and cheese all while capturing life’s greatest moments on one of her favorite cameras. Follow her on Facebook.

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